About SelfCurePal and his System

Hi there! It is SelfCurePal.

One of my biggest regrets is,that back in Ukraine I did not learn English. So since moving to USA,for about 20 years now,not working as a Doctor,but as we say in India-“Once a Doctor-Always a Doctor”

Back in Ukraine 1993 I’ve graduated from Medical School,In 1996 finished Resident Doctorate and became an Orthopedic-Surgeon.Total worked as a Doctor about 7 years. Back in 20th Century collected Aphorisms(Idioms,Sayings) Published the book “Aphorism”translated it to Ukrainian and English,mostly from Russian.Sold 3,500 copies of Ukrainian version. Love sports.Did and still do some gymnastic and martial arts (started from wrestling and boxing)

From my lifetimes research and experience I have created and developed the way,how to naturally get rid of most diseases,including incurable by official medicine!


But-the most important is, that it Prevents, them from happening! and Allows us to Stay Happy, Healthy,Youthful and Successful, for the rest of our Blessed and Productive Life-

to Be Full of Life and Full of Love!


With some exceptions, most of our body cells are being replaced by the new ones in about 120 days!

If we include those exceptions it takes up to 7 years to get a “brand new body”! But disease got stuck

in our brains on subconscious level. So people keep transferring their diseases,fears,”bad luck” etc. from one brand new body to another one, by the way making them sicker in process.

So he GOAL is-in about 60 days,by doing Special Set of ACTIVITY to get a healthy “brand new” subconscious too! So in harmony with a brand new body-there won’t be any room left for disease,fear,”curse” etc.

Please SUBSCRIBE- SelfCurePal,and follow me. Details in following blogs. THANK YOU FOR READING! selfcurepal@gmail.com